Avery Vise
FTR Transportation Intelligence
The changes, updates, demands, and rising costs of moving products into our marketplace makes Logistics one of the top concerns for the majority of our members, both wholesalers and manufacturers alike. Avery Vise, VP of Trucking Research from FTR Transportation Intelligence will bring us the latest news and analysis on this important topic, including freight and equipment demand, the regulatory environment, transportation system, intermodal and the economic outlook. Avery has closely studied the transportation industry for more than 30 years as an editor, analyst, and researcher, with responsibility for tracking economic and financial trends affecting the trucking industry.

D. Bruce Merrifield
“The Jan-San Omnichannel Imperative”
Amazon will continue to steal sales from traditional distribution channels as well as brands with increasing numbers of perfect clone products for 50% less. AMZ owns next-gen/millennial B2B buyers who want 24/7 digital buying capabilities. Factory brands must invent seamless, digital, omnichannel experiences for end-users or lose to quicker competitors or Amazon, partner-brand clones. What are the questions and scenarios 2021 that pro-active wholesalers and their best, partner-able distributors should be thinking about?
Check out Bruce’s blog at http://merrifieldact2.com/